Sunday, December 12, 2010


i've been slacking on this blog. i am sorry. i'd like to hereby pledge my allegiance to both The Eagles, and to trash talking.

the dallas cowboys, more like the PHALLIC ALTOIDS

you kind of have to say that one out loud

also, i texted katie this one, for her game

the cincinnati bengals, more like the CINCINNATI MADELEINE L'ENGLES

i had been talking to my lady friend about how i really like 'a wrinkle in time'.. so when i told her this burn, she said, 'but you like her'.. and i said 'yea, but she probably sucks at playing football.'


  1. kyle, i appreciate your renewed commitment to this blog and to your general fandomship. *eaglenoise a;acheerlskdj;ad rawr*

  2. Madeleine L'Engle DOES suck at football. Little-known fact about her.
